Monday, September 15, 2008

Flew into summer.....

It was so easy, just fly south of Alaska and you get sun, wow! As soon as I landed in Seattle I was in SUN!!!! Then I flew into Portland, and it was still sunny! JC and Autumn picked me up in Portland and drove me down to Long Beach, where the sun was still shinning. We've had weather in the high 70's since I've been here. I was doing some painting on my moms house and noticed I had tan lines on my arms when I was done!
I don't know why it is, but even though we live on the ocean it doesn't feel like a beach. The kids had to put their feet in the water, man that is cold.

We've been coming to Long Beach since before JC was born to visit grandma and grandpa, and we've never gotten a picture in front of the famous frying pan before!
I can't believe they are building huge (or any) houses in the dunes now. Kind of makes me wish for a tsunami. Well, maybe after my mom is no longer around to witness it......But it used to be you could just walk down to the beach from her house, now it is all private property and you have to use a "public" trail so you aren't cutting through someones yard. UGH.

1 comment:

Rhonda da Luz said...

I am glad that you are enjoying the summer weather while you are in visiting family in Oregon. Enjoy the beach and have fun.