Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Television or Not to Television

We watched a lot of television while we were in America. When we got back our house sitter had a satellite attached to the side of our house, looks kind of like a wart or a growth of some kind hanging up there. But all of the houses have them, so now ours "fits" in. She said we could buy the satellite for $75, and just switch the payments over to us. That's a huge decision for us, we've been without TV for over 3 years now, do we really NEED TV? I thought, well, I'll call Dish and see what the fees are, I only want ABC, CBS, NBC plus the cooking channel for me and outdoor channel for Frank, how much can that be. I called the 800 # for Dish, I think I was on the phone for probably 20 minutes with the sales person. He asked me what we watched, what we liked, our address, blah, blah, blah. After all that he says "You need to call the Sitka number, I can't help you they can". Miss patience that I am (NOT), figures ok, I can be jerked around a little more, after all we could end up with TV! I call the Sitka office, she says "OH, you are in Hoonah, we DON'T service Hoonah, you'll have to call the #800 number" You guessed it, if DISH doesn't care if we have TV, I don't care if we have TV.In Juneau we had our phone, TV, and wireless internet all by one company. GCI, it was cable, so we don't get that here. But can't that be done with 1 satellite? Call me "stupid" but I just can't figure out why it's so hard to have high speed internet, phone and TV in Hoonah without paying a fortune to have it. Direct TV, I looked on their website, great deal, you can have the satellite free with a 2 year contract. I thought GREAT! Then I clicked on the link that said internet, thinking (big mistake, don't think) we could have 1 satellite for both. hahahahaha, so silly me. That link took me to Hughes Net, for $400+ we could also get a satellite for internet, and $60 a month to keep it, plus whatever our payment would be for TV,and you can't have just 6 channels, the minimum is 150, (that seems like a lot of $ me, plus I'm cheap) I like 1 bill to 1 place for as many things as I can. Who wants to watch TV anyway.............

Nooks and I will just spend time watching the snow melt, then build up, then melt....

1 comment:

Rhonda da Luz said...

I don´t have a television in my house either for two years. If I want to watch the tube, it is either at a friends house, and it is mostly a novella (Portuguese Soap Opera). Books are more fun or movies on the computer.